Tuesday, February 15, 2022

1/13-2/15 a week from today is my 6 month mark ah

 Happy Tuesday everyone!

It's been a while since my last email, I've just been incredibly busy with the mission grind.

Here's an update on each location:

Heidi's Village- I haven't been needed for a while in the kitten nursery, but I know the kitten season will be coming soon and that they will need me. In fact, the first momma and babies of 2022 are there! Did you know that a momma cat is called a queen? She deserves it considering the amount of babies cats tend to have in a litter. I can't imagine having four babies all at once. But for now, I'm mostly working in the meow motel socializing with the adult cats. All of them are so sweet (even the ones who aren't so snuggly) but I especially love the ones who I can carry around the kennels with.

Gathering Humanity- We're still housing many refugees from Afghanistan, but today I actually set up an apartment for a Congolese family. I love setting up and pulling for families with young kids because I try to get them fun items like a play tent, or mugs with characters on them, it's super cute and fun.

Sequoia Deaf School- There's not much that is new happening at the school, but I have most certainly seen my signing comprehension improve. I even went to a Deaf branch on Sunday and oh my gosh. It was incredibly exciting, yet somehow terrifying at the same time. I was honestly exhausted afterwards but it was one of the highlights of my mission so far. I definitely want to go back because immersion really is the key to learning a language quickly!

Pioneer Village- So far in the forge, I've learned how to make snake necklaces, wall hooks, and mini spoons. I feel pretty confident with those few things, and they sell the best because what kid wouldn't want a miniature spoon? It's really chilly up in north Phoenix (I know I know I'm baby) so I hover towards the forge for warmth haha. I've become much braver blacksmithing which is a great improvement since I've been a scaredy cat around fire my whole life.

Casteel Seminary- I got to meet my new students!! I love all my kids so far because they're so intelligent and talented. I can tell that I'm much much better at working with teens/managing a class since last semester. I started giving one kid for each period 5 minutes to explain anything they want. I've had students explaining watermelons to giving a violin concert to explaining self driving cars (wait that last one was Elder Johnson). I really love this idea because now I can learn more about them and their interests.

Social Media- We've shifted a lot of leadership around and so now I have a lot more responsibilities than before. I'm now part of the management committee meaning that I post things on time, write captions and hashtags, and just keep watch over our social media accounts. If you want to follow us, we're @az_tcsm on Instagram and Tempe Chandler Service Mission on Facebook.

A spiritual lesson I've learned is actually from the cats at Heidi's Village. There's a set of brothers there named Bugsy and Cricket. Bugsy had his eyes removed a few months ago and has upper respiratory problems. Cricket is his seeing eye brother and is probably the most selfless animal I've ever met. He meows at the door so his brother can have attention. He sniffs me out when I enter their room so he knows his brother will be safe. He even plays with the top string part of the toy wands so his brother can play with the bell part that makes a noise. Everything Cricket, a cat who is less than a year old, does is for his blind brother. Christ is the same way. Everything he did from when he was born to when he was slain on the cross, was for us. Now, I know it's a little crazy to compare a cat to our Lord, but nature was created as a resource to us. It can feed and shelter us, but it can also comfort and teach us.

Anyways here's the pictures I've gotten since last email:

Me at the forge chilling with Elder Wells who was grinding out a knife

Ooh sparks!

I reorganized the toy area in the GH warehouse. I think it looks very nice!

It's really tall. My head doesn't reach halfway up the second level

Mini spoons from the forge. One kid said he wanted to eat cereal using one of these spoons

One of the kids at Sequoia drew me. I'm the purple on and she's the red one. Don't I look so pretty?

The sisters went on a retreat in Flagstaff and here's me outside in the snow

Sister Hall, Elder Lott, Elder Wells, and I made a torch in the forge by dousing a dried baby wipe on a stick in oil and then setting it on fire

I had a face drawn on me in ash

Here's me with Sister Porter at the Deaf branch. She is a Deaf missionary in the Phoenix service mission

I donated platelets for the first time! I really enjoyed doing it and I will totally do it again sometime. Anyways here's my pale arm before they stuck the needle in

Here was a cat I found outside an elder's house

He had the tip of his ear snipped off meaning he is a fixed male. He also had a collar, but no nametag

He seemed to be well fed and was very social with us

10/10 cat needs a bath but is a good boye

Speaking of good boys, here's what I woke up to one morning

Hello Eli, you seem to enjoy laying on my stomach

Okay ow that hurts

I tried out week-long false lashes with my mom, but they fell off in the shower. I will try it again though because they look soooo pretty!

And with that, I hope you have a great time until my next email! God loves you!!!

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