Tuesday, October 19, 2021

10/14-10/19: School Break!

 Hello everyone!

It's been another week of serving and socializing. If anyone would like to join my mission email list, be sure to send an email to amanda.wright@missionary.org. Preferably with a cute animal picture attached.

So this week, both of my school locations did not happen. Sequoia Deaf School was on fall break and Casteel High School rearranged their schedule so mentoring could not happen this week. So instead, I helped out at the QCPAC (Queen Creek Performing Arts Center) on Wednesday and Feed the Children on Friday.

Here's a short update about each service location from this week:

QCPAC- We've been working on completely gutting and reorganizing the pit (area below the stage). It holds costumes, props, and headwear for shows and we need to see what should be thrown away or donated. It's coming along pretty well and I'm pretty confident it will be an effective organization! Sister Critchfield has been in charge of the whole project and she's been such a wonderful lead!

Gathering Humanity- My current project is to reorganize the toy section. Currently, there's girls toys, boys toys, infant/toddler toys, and then sport balls (most commonly, soccer balls/footballs because of how universal the sport is). We're trying to streamline it so there's dolls for the girls, matchbox cars for the boys, smaller toddler toys, and then soccer balls/footballs. So I have to gut the whole set of shelves and prep for the new process.

St. Vincent de Paul- I had my last week there! I originally started there to fill in for a sister missionary who just finished up her mission (shoutout to Sister Skousen <3), but it ended up being too much for me. I would work at the Gathering Humanity warehouse on Tuesday mornings and SVdP on Tuesday afternoons. I loved working there, but I needed a free afternoon to myself. 

Pioneer Village- So I accidentally brought the key to their church home with me this past week. I promise it won't happen again. I may also try seeing if I can start working at the school house and teacherage. I think it would be fun and ever since I saw the teeny tiny teacherage house, I fell in love with working there.

Sunday- I had a special musical number on the piano and it was pretty good! Only a few mistakes! Oh, also on Sunday, I went to a YSA devotional that had the one and only ELDER SOARES FROM THE QUORUM OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES. It was so amazing to go there and hear his guidance. I feel so blessed to be able to go and see him in person.

As usual, here's the pictures from this week:

Me at Gathering Humanity organizing the girls toys

Feed the Children on Friday. Me, Elder Otey, Elder Perkes, and Elder Tendick

Us afterwards at Manuel's for the best shrimp tacos ever. My mom, me, Elder Perkes, Elder Otey, Elder Tendick, and my dad

My mom and I at the Vincent Van Gogh Immersive Experience in Scottsdale. It wasn't what I was expecting, but fun nonetheless!

Elder Wells and I at a mission birthday party for Sister McCurdy and Sister Steadman (happy 20 something birthday to both of you). We got soaking wet and got paint everywhere and had a blast!

This was at the first ward I went to on Sunday. Elder Johnson had the special musical number there and rocked it! In this picture is Elder Johnson, Elder Tucker, Elder Davis, Elder Da-Re, Elder Otey, me, Sister Gardner, Sister McCook, and then Elder Perkes on Sister McCook's phone

Anyways, I hope you have a great week. Be sure to email me so you can be added on the email list. God loves you!!!

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