Tuesday, November 16, 2021

11/10-11/16 Gathering Humanity and their Wonderful Warehouse

Hello hello!!

The weather in Arizona baffles me. I wake up, I feel cold so I dress up warm, and then I end up sweating by the afternoon. So much for fall I guess. But then again, I don't like the cold anyways.

I know this week I'm supposed to talk about Gathering Humanity, but I actually didn't go this week. That's because I had to welcome my new companion! Her name is Sister Hill and she flew in from Mexico City last night. On that same subject, I've also been called to serve as Sister Training Leader! I'll get more training on it on Saturday, but for now, I'm still very new to the calling.

So anyways, here's the update on each service location before I go in depth on Gathering Humanity.

Queen Creek Performing Arts Center- The Christmas tree got set up in the lobby and Shrek is coming along. Opening night is on Thursday and I'll probably be ushering for the 2pm show on Saturday. Other than that, I'm actually moving on from the QCPAC and I'll hopefully be starting at an animal shelter soon.

Sequoia Deaf School- I love working at this location so much! I got to talk to one of the children about Godzilla and Pokemon for a long time and that was so much fun to do. They also got pizza twice last Wednesday so all in all, it was a great day with the kids!

Pioneer Village- I started at the dress shop with Sister Critchfield on Thursday. While I am really bad at fashion, I do enjoy the history behind women's clothing and dresses.

Casteel Seminary- I don't have many weeks left with my students, but I'm certainly having a great time with them! This past week we talked about D&C 129-131 as well as testimonies and careers.

And with that out of the way, let's talk about Gathering Humanity.

The whole goal of the organization is to set up apartments for refugees. When families come to the US, they require specific pieces of furniture in order to remain in the apartments. Beds, a table, chairs, etc. They are also given money in order to help them until they get a job. However, if those furniture items, as well as many other household essentials such as cleaning supplies, food, and whatnot, the family would have to use that money to buy those items rather than putting it towards rent. There's a whole lot of other points in this situation, but the general idea is that Gathering Humanity provides those items so that the family has a stable start in the US.

I've worked with the organization for years before I became a missionary and now I get to work with them weekly. I also was able to work on paperwork for refugees coming out of Kabul, Afghanistan in August with them. I've done both setting up the apartments and working in the warehouse, but my position as a missionary is exclusively as a warehouse worker.

So what does that entail? Well, I go to the warehouse in Tempe in the morning and work for about three hours reorganizing shelves, unloading donations out of cars, and doing what we call "pulls". A pull is when we prep for an apartment setup (usually the next day) by putting all the necessary items from the checklist onto a gondola (a bookshelf on wheels), color-coding it all, and then putting it at one of the loading docks for the next day before the family comes.

If you're interested in donating towards Gathering Humanity, you can find them on Instagram @gatheringhumanity. They often will post about last minute needs such as meals or their current Christmas stockings project.

Other than that, that's all for Gathering Humanity. Here's this week's pictures:

So the students at Sequoia made American flags for Veterans Day. 

They're pretty nice

Huh. Ya got the colors a little off there, buddy

I uhhh. Hm. Alright then

Ah yes. The classic flag of the United States of America. Perfection

And here's Sister Gardner looking cute at seminary on Friday

Oh? What's this coming into frame?

Elder Gloverrrrrr!

Poor Sister G!!

Well that's all for this week! God loves you!!!

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